Product References — Single Donor Human Saliva
We Have Biological Products and Research Materials to Assist Forensic Investigations
Posted by Adam Awdish on

Forensic crime labs use a variety of biological materials and techniques to analyze evidence and provide information crucial to criminal investigations. Some of the common biologicals used in forensic science include: Human blood: Blood is a common biological fluid found at crime scenes. Blood products can be commonly useful for bloodstain pattern analysis. Forensic analysts can use blood to determine DNA profiles, blood type, and to identify potential suspects or victims. Innovative Research provides both Human Whole Blood and Blood Cell products, collected from donors in FDA-licensed collection centers located in the United States. Our wide network of...
- Tags: academic research, Bio Fluids, Forensic Research, Human Biological Fluids, Human Blood Cells, Pooled Human Saliva, Pooled Human Semen, Pooled Human Urine, Single Donor Human Saliva, Single Donor Human Urine
A handheld lateral flow strip for rapid DNA extraction from staphylococcus aureus cell spiked in various samples
Posted by Leanne Kodsmann on

Single Donor Human Whole Blood and Single Donor Human Saliva from Innovative Research were used in the following study: A handheld lateral flow strip for rapid DNA extraction from staphylococcus aureus cell spiked in various samples Youngung Seok, Hyungjun Jang, Jusung Oh, Hyou-Arm Joung and Min-Gon Kim Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express Volume 5 Number 3 April 2019 "... Although simple DNA extraction systems have been recently reported, there are still remaining challenges for conventional treatment to complex samples such as blood, food, and soil. Here, we demonstrated a handheld lateral flow strip for rapid DNA extraction from complex...
Normal Human Saliva Single Donor Reference 9-28-14
Posted by Leanne Kodsman on
Innovative Research's Normal Human Saliva Single Donor was recently used in the following study: Investigation of saliva as an alternative matrix to blood for the biological monitoring of inorganic leadJF Staff, AH Harding, J Morton, K Jones, EA Guice - Toxicology Letters, 2014 Quality control (QC) samples were prepared using blank saliva (Innovative Research, Novi, MI,USA) which was analysed both as a blank, and spiked with 10 g/L lead. For Device QCs, 1 mL of saliva was sampled from a plastic beaker using the StatSure sampling device